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At Adventures In Missions, we believe that every person has a unique call to serve others and spread love and hope to the world. Our blog is just one of the ways we’re sharing that message and encouraging others to join us on this mission.

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July 25, 2019
   Hi everyone!!! It”s Cristina here reporting from Costa Rica. These past few weeks have been such an amazing experience, from playing with kids to visiting elders at a nursing home, God has been showing up in such miraculous ways throughout this trip. He is teaching me to be vulnerable with others and opening up my heart to the plans he has in store for me. This is important for me to take home, as I get to share all of the wonderful experiences and plans God has for me.         God started showing up on this trip from the very start. At training camp, we had to pray with someone that we had never talked to before. So I prayed with one of the girls that was participating in the Guatemala trip, and after we had finished praying she read me a v…
July 25, 2019
Last Day in Africa Well, this is it. The last day. It’s all so exciting and all so depressing at the same time. On one hand, yes, I’m so ready to see my mom, dad, my siblings, and my dog (who I can imagine is not very happy with me right now.) However, on the other hand, there is so much I can’t imagine just not having. Like I want to be awaken by the African sunrise at four in the morning every, and I want to spend most all day playing with kids. Going home means I won’t wake up and have KJ under me; it means I won’t be able to do Sunrise Yoga with Mackenzi, Abby, Makayla, Jabin, Delilah, and Abigail; I won’t be up late at night messing around with Leah and Emma in our room; Sydney and I won’t cook together every third night; I won’t get t…
July 25, 2019
Here I am in the airport waiting to board my 15 hour flight. It felt like only a few days ago that I was in this same airport waiting in anticipation to take off for South Africa. This whole journey has taught me some valuable lessons that I will never forget and will definitely put into practice back in the States. I have learned how to slow down my busy life and spend more time with my Heavenly Father. I have learned to appreciate the little things in life like a smile or laugh or a touch of a kid’s hand in yours. I have also learned how to be honest and vulnerable to people. But most importantly I feel like this trip has shown me the love of God to His children in a much bigger way than I have ever seen before. I will be missing my second home in Africa. I will always remember my frien…
July 25, 2019
All my life, I have been someone who plans extensively for the future and constantly tries to decipher what is coming next in my life. I have felt the need to be in control of what is happening next. Being on this missions trip to Eswatini, we served at CarePoints where it was neccessary to be present in every small moment and be in constant communication with Jesus as I loved on the kids there. Going to Eswatini resulted in a change of mindset in my life that has deepened my relationship with God. I have learned to enjoy the small things, whether the joyful laughter of a child at the carepoints or unique cultural experiences. There were so many unforgettable moments that made me fall in love with Jesus all over again, such as stargazing in wonder at God’s creation, waking up in the morni…
July 25, 2019
the plane has lifted from the grounds of africa and memories from this month are almost painful to let dance around my thoughts. im carrying a weight of sadness as i leave the grounds upon which god is so evidently building a piece of his kingdom. and he very faithfully aloud me to be apart of it. yet as im sitting here in the middle seat of a way-too-long flight, i am back to a place of captivation by the oranges and reds and blues that peak above the dark line of clouds we are flying above. abba brought a new day but with the same remarkable color palette as he used in the skies when i began this adventure. a reminder that just as he has gone before me as i came, he is walking ahead of me as im leaving. he dyes the morning skies with color each and everyday proving his faithfulness to t…
July 25, 2019
An “uncharted adventure”. That’s what God has been speaking to me as I’m preparing to go home. This experience is one that only our Heavenly Father could have orchestrated together. The many laughs and the shedded tears our team shared is something I will never forget. This next chapter of my life is uncharted and that could be daunting to some, but as for me I’m ready to chase the adventure, to experience all the highs and lows that come with the risk. That’s what this trip has shown me: that when we let the Holy Spirit lead our lives into the unknown we might be surprised at the things we encounter and the lessons we learn along way.
July 25, 2019
Wow this month just blew past! As I prepare to return home, I’m overwhelmed with how many life lessons and growth opportunities I’ve been blessed with. For example, the airline lost my luggage and I was forced to live without any of my own clothes or items for a month, while that may seem like the biggest inconvenience for anyone, it was actually one big blessing in disguise, It feels as if god was trying to show me that I don’t need anything to spread his love.  Where do I even start with my team??? I’m so so so incredibly blessed to have been paired with the most perfect beautiful team. What blows my mind is that we lived together for 4 weeks and not once we’ve had to deal with a single dramatic outbreak. When I was speaking with this woman at one of…
July 25, 2019
 Greater lessons (As our time in Swaziland has come to an end I keep on trying to think of the lessons I’ve learned and how this trip has changed me, honestly I first came to a blank but then I looked at the small things that turned out to be greater lessons. At the carepoints there were so many amazing little personalities that we hungry for love and attention and I find it amazing that I was able to give that to them but honestly I took back so much more from them than I could ever give. They taught me to be joyful and live in the moment, being kind is so valuable to other people, it benefits everyone to help out, to put my trust in the Lord whenever I’m afraid and to get up whenever I fall and try again. In these beautiful souls I found greater lessons from the Lord and these ki…
July 25, 2019
how do you say goodbye to the carepoint that made you feel at home, to the smiles you saw everyday, and all the hands you shook, and the kid whose picture you took? how do you tell someone that this is it, your van will not keep coming around the corner, that this will be the last time they can wrap their arms around, that this will be the last time for you to hear their singing sounds. when the only word they know is hi, how do you teach them the opposite, do you use your hands and wave, do you form out syllables on their foreign tongue, or did you just sit in the dirt and kiss every hurt and pretend it’s not happening? i don’t know how to say goodbye to the kids who stole my heart, i hug and hug and hug and hug and wish with everything i got that this will not be it. i…
July 25, 2019
Well, here we go, out of Africa. My experience here has been amazing, but not at all what I expected. I normally hear people say that, but what they say they didn’t expect is exactly what I expected. For example (and this isn’t anyone on my team), they didn’t expect to get wrecked by talking to locals, but I did. However, in that example is what I expected. I thought I would become attached and best friends with some people here. I did become friends with some beautiful Swazi people, but my expectations and reality did not line up. I expected to be heartbroken to leave because these people grew me and I loved them. But God had a plot twist planned out that I couldn’t see. God brought so much life change through talking to my team. These people have encouraged me so much. I thought the peo…