Our First Almost Week

Family and Friends, We slept on the plane, on the floor, in a free hotel (thanks American Airlines), on a bus, and after 61 hours of travel, we made it to Monte Blanco—pretty much a palace (by missions standards). We dove right into ministry by helping host a camp for 130 15-16 year-olds. We instantly became the entertainment as we lead dances and songs (especially oh-lay-lay, a favorite from training camp!) We got to bond with the students through serving at the meals, playing games and participating in an obstacle course that included rolling in the mud, yes MUD and repelling down a...

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We Love Monteblanco!

Here is another blog post from one of the girls! Enjoy 🙂       Today is one of our last days at home in Monte Blanco.  It’s so strange that in just a few days we’ll be traveling away from these people who have become as big a part of our team as all of us are.  They’ve been cooking for us, hanging out with us, and amusing us with some very choice phrases in English like, “You’re beautiful”, “You don’t know me”, “I am handsome”, and “Please don’t go”.  We have volleyball tournaments,...

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A Little Photo Goodness

 <~~ We went for a hike on our day off!!! Quite the adventure…                                                              <~~~ Josh had an unfortunate run-in with the cook. We’re learning to laugh while we wash dishes. 🙂 <~~ During Vacation Bible School, we put on various skits in order to communicate the message. We’ve been teaching on obedience, and in this picture you can see Jonah in the stomach...

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Clown Costumes and Pancakes

Highlights from the last few days: Watching half of our team hop around at the last VBS dressed in clown attire- complete with white faces and blue noses.  Volunteering to help wash dishes and getting attacked by the cook with pancake batter and flour.  Enjoying the scenery in this amazing country! Learning 5 skits in 3 days. 🙂 We’re pretty much acting professionals. The kids have loved it! Perfecting the spanish language via children’s songs.  Intense volleyball tournaments with the Monteblanco staff.  We can buy two liters of pepsi, candy, and new earrings...

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Training Camp and 1st Day (and a half) in Monteblanco

Hola from the Monte Blanco Center in Bolivia.  Team Un-Bolivia-ble arrived here last night a short 30 hours after we left the AIM Base in Gainesville.  We arrived to Monte Blanco feeling a mixture of emotions: tired, excited, nervous, and hungry.  Luckily, we arrived in time for a wonderful and very warm welcome from the Monte Blanco Staff who have done everything possible to make us feel welcome, loved, and a part of the family here.  While we all arrived safe and sound, we were missing one piece of luggage.  Fortunately, it arrived tonight without delay. Thank you...

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