
Over the Ocean and Through the Jungle, into Nauta We Go

Hola family and friends,

I wrote this first part while I was awake in the airport in Lima, then i will update you on the rest of what we have bee doing.

6-22-10 at 5:06 am.

Well, at this moment the team is sleeping, and it is my turn for guard duty. We are all in a ring aroud our luggage that is against the wall. To our right is a money excangers place, and across the hall is an expensive jewelry place–I didnt realize it until now, but this is probably one of the safest places we could have chose in the airport to set up camp and sleep.
Can I just say how awesome our God is? So far our trip travels have been awesome, and the Lord has answered all of our prayers. The day for leaving from training camp came quickly. We left for the airport at 2:30 in the morning on monday, needless to say we did not sleep much that night. We caught the first flight to fort lauderdale and had an 8 hour layover–during this time we slept and played a lot of games, kemps being the favorite. We boarded  and left the aìrport at around 5 o clock and arrived in lima around 10. All of our luggage arrived safelty (answered prayer), we arrived safely (answered prayer), and we even got our 10 member team through customs without being checked–which was another andswered preayer. We found the spot by the bank, circled up, ate, and slept.
We went through secutriy quickly in the morning and made it to our gate with plenty of time to leave before 11.

Before i go on i do have to say one thing. this group has been fantastic, and there is no other way that i can exp`lain it other than the Lord. this team has meshed so well and worked together so well that it has been amazing!!
So, we leave from the lima airport to go to iquitos. the flight there was awesome. the airlines in peru are much cooler than the ones in the states. they played music and served some interesting food, but it tasted great! and the scxenery out of the window was phenomenal. We met up with Crystal (our contact), pastor Williams (our host) and sarah and kelly (translators) and headed to Nauta. When we arrived at our lodging, we set up our mosquito nets and ate dinner. They made the most fantastic pancakes I have ever eaten (yes mom, better than those nasty protein ones ;-P).
Our schedule is pretty crazy. We will be getting up around 630 every morning to pray and do devotionals, breakfast, a teaching time, and chores and then lunch. The after noons will consist of working with the local churches and conducting Vacation Bible Schools. Next week we will be going to two churches in the area to do the VBS there, and then the following week will be spent in the jungle on the amazon. At least, this is the schedule that we talked about, but things could definitely change. So, give Jesus some praise for answering all our prayers of safety during our 40 hour travel period. He is great.

Prayer requests: Our host said that whenever gringos (thats us) come on trips they get a surplus of people in chruch, but after we leave it dies down. Pray that the people that do come would hear the Word and desire a relationship with the Lord and that they would come to Him and surrender their lives to Him. and that the Lord would show these people His amazing and unconditional love.

Pastor Williams and his wife are the main missionaries in this region. Pray for them, that God would provide for them all their needs that they would be able to raise up leaders to minister to the surrounding areas.

That the Lord would give this team the energy, focus, and desire to show these people love and for the Spirit to lead us in the direction that He wants us to go.  That we would be effective in proclaiming the Gospel, and that these people would recieve His Word.  And that He would continue to teach us His ways. And that the language barrier would not frustrate us.

The team is very excited for what the Lord is going to do with us here, and already they have thrown themselves headlong into loving these people. Thank you for all of your prayers. We need them, so keep praying!!

for His glory,

team Peru!

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