Pure Joy

Happiness is something we all strive for whether it is in our friends, family, money, music or many other things. But Pure Joy can only be found in on one place. The kind of happiness that never fails, it never ends, and it never leaves. In Africa I found that pure joy. This whole time I relied on others to make me happy. I thought the more things I had the happier I would become; I had fallen into the temptations of this world and had started to believe what the media has tried to teach us all: the more you have, the happier you will be. When I got here the first thing I noticed was the...

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Faith that Can Move Mountains

I guess I’ll start by first saying looking back on this trip so far I have absolutely LOVED it! So many things have happened and so many things God has done, but I’m gonna talk about some things God has physically done to show us his power through the faith we had to have. Last week we decided to go the hospital to pray over the kids in the children’s ward and their families. We did one wing and then we went to the 2nd wing and sadly last for that day. As we prayed over these children with pneumonia, malaria, and all kinds of sicknesses I and several others on my team...

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My mom away from home

So this isn’t going to be a long blog. Honestly I just want to talk for a second about my sweet sister in Christ. Kelly Nicole Rampmeyer is one of the most giving and compassionate people I have ever met. Kelly is a teacher who chose to spend half her summer dedicated to love and pour into 16 loud and crazy girls. She instantly became my mom away from home. Tonight she shared her testimony and it made me look up to her even more. I recently felt a calling to be a teacher, but I have been struggling with it because I have wanted to travel and do missions for a long time. However,...

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Homeless Resident

Last Friday after going to a school we had planned on going to a hospital to pray over people. I don’t like hospitals even in the U.S. so I was a little hesitant. When we arrived we threw around suggestions like the Cancer ward or the Geriatrics ward. Pastor said that he had already picked out a place; we keep walking and circle up around the door. The sign read: Pediatric Acute health center. We walk in and it was unbelievable the amount of patients that were lined up and down in rows all in one giant room. There were probably fifty little cribs in one room. We spread out and had...

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We Found Healing in a Broken Place

We Found Healing in a Broken Place.   Leaving a hospital in general is awful and heart wrenching, but leaving a third world, extremely sad and hurting people is one of the hardest things I have ever experienced. The first person I got to pray with, I ended up crying and abruptly getting told by my translator to stop crying because it brings down the parents.   I didn’t even think of this, but I understood. So I then continued to cry, at least on the inside and through many long prayers and cries for healing, strength, comfort and peace over the people laying in the beds and...

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It’s all about Jesus

I can’t even begin to explain how much I have learned on this trip. I think that the most important thing is that everything we do should be about bringing glory to God. For the past couple of weeks here, I have been majorly struggling in my faith. When I go to Kenya I always feel Gods presence so thickly. God has had no problem revealing Himself to me whenever and wherever I ask. On this trip, I have been reading about faith a good bit in the Bible. People were healed by Jesus and his disciples according to their faith and nothing else. I have been praying that God would give me...

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