My New But Yet Old Family

Well, I thought it was about time that you folks out there know my team and family that I have grown to love dearly from the bottom of my heart for the last month. We are a group of 18 girls who love each other to pieces. We are like a regular family. We have problems, we solve our problems, we spread Jesus together, we encourage each other, we make awesome memories together, we go on adventures together, and we have even done Christmas together. On this post I thought I would post a picture, as you can tell. That was of us all in front of waterfall this morning before we headed to Nile...

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Feet. People dislike feet. They are not the most appealing thing about us. We use them to walk far distances. We use them to run races or kick a ball. We use our feet to stand on, constantly. Would you use the word beautiful to describe your feet? I ask this question because before this trip, that would be the last word I used to describe my feet. While at training, for my month long mission trip to Uganda, my leader washed my dirty feet. I didn’t want her to have to feel the cuts on the bottom or the dirt that pretty much covered my entire foot, but she did it any way. I experienced...

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This mission trip has been amazing!! I wanted to share something that God has shown me and laid on my heart. I have always known that God hears people’s prayers and answers them, but it wasn’t until this trip when God really showed me He hears and answers MY prayers. Before coming to Uganda, I was answering questions that people in my church had. Someone from my youth group asked me, “What is your biggest fear?” Automatically I answered, “Not being able to fulfill God’s will for my life.” I had been praying for months that God would give me...

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Salt and Light

Here in Uganda, our team is easily spotted. A group of 18 white girls is a sight to see here. We hear, “Mzungu, mzungu!” everywhere we go. When we come back home, it may be strange at first to not be called at, waved to, or hear honking horns everywhere we go. Not to sound praise seeking, but I don’t want to lose that attention and recognition when I return to the States. However, I don’t want to be recognized for being a mzungu- I want people to notice me because I am a follower of Christ. I want to reflect Christ’s love, compassion, mercy, and forgiveness...

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Christmas in July

Christmas in July             July 25th. Otherwise known as Christmas in July. Okay, not very many people know it as Christmas in July, but this is a July 25th that I will never forget.             One thing that we have found to be extremely important, at least for our team, is team meshing. Before this, we were a group of strangers (aside from Tyler, Amie, and I). No one knew each other, and this was something I worried about coming into this trip. I continuously prayed for...

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“Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children” Matt 19:14   I never knew I could fall so in love with such a broken country. From the red soil and beautiful hills to the trash piles and crowded streets, I have fallen completely and totally in love with Uganda. I know I am called to serve here, and more specifically serve the children. We have been teaching at schools and visiting orphanages and I just want to bring all of the kids home with me! It amazes me how they can come from total brokenness...

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