Two Languages, One Love

It is hard to believe we have only been on the ground in Guatemala for three days! We had another full day today beginning with a soccer game at a local school. Our team ran into some students at the bus stop yesterday and they invited us to visit their school today for a USA vs. Guatemala match.  Our team fought hard, but was defeated (a lot to a little). But despite this loss, we won many new friends, from little pre-schoolers just learning English to high school students anxious to practice their English with their new friends.  After lunch the team went back into town for...

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Day Two in Guatemala

What an amazing 48 hours the Guatemala team has had! After taking the day yesterday to explore, rest and adjust to a new culture, the team took the morning today to pray and ask the Lord what He wanted us to do today.  We started our prayer walk by trekking to the top of a mountain with a beautiful view of the city of Antigua. The team spent some time taking pictures and worshiping at the foot of the cross. We were even able to pray for some fellow believers after they heard us worshipping!  Check out Francis’ experience below!  This was my first time ATL-ing...

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From Where I Stand

Exhaustion. What we all have been feeling now that our incredible adventure is soon coming to an end. Looking back to the very first day, it’s hard to believe I had never been on a plane, that we all knew so little Spanish, and that we thought we could beat the locals at soccer. Throughout this trip we have seen God work, we’ve invited Him to lead our leaders. And the willingness to learn, to try, to discover the reality of God’s love has become a common theme for our team.                I know, for myself anyway, I embarked on this...

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Guatemala So Far…

7/4/2014-7/6/2014        Training camp was two and a half days in Atlanta, Georgia (I saw fireflies for the first time) which we spent learning people’s names, trying to be kind when tired, and growing in our gratitude for foods on our top 10 list. The Guatemala group quickly developed an awkward cohesion of newly made friends while working through the “team builders” that required the climbing of “Mt. Everest,” the avoidance of “lunar lava,” and the presence of trust and hand holding.      After the preliminary...

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Discerning God?s Voice in the Chaos

In the chaos of our everyday lives it can be hard to hear God’s voice — discerning his will for us can even become encumbering. What happens, however, when you slough off the world’s weight of daily to do’s? What happens when you allow yourself nothing but time before the Lord? What happens when you focus on listening, instead of speaking? At some point, you feel a tug on your heart; that still, small whisper of something more. Our Ambassador kids felt this desire for something more. So they faithfully come; suitcases in hand (or dragging, overloaded, on the...

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We Have Been Working Hard (2 Week Trip)

We have just a couple of days left.  We have been working hard.  Everyday is competely different than the previous….and that s the way we like it.  We have done a plethera of things, such as prayer walking, fixing light fixtures, painting a church, playing soccer with kids and today, unloading bricks from a truck to build a house with.  We will be heading to church tonight for a service as well.  Here are some photos. We helped pastor celebrate his 45th birthday. Played soccer with some kiddos Unloaded some bricks to build a house Performed a drama We...

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