team swazi::: Serena Michal—Listening Prayer for Mysterious Number Seven

Listening prayer is extremely difficult. It forces you to, both, fully trust yourself and to fully trust God. I was first introduced to listening prayer last year on my trip to Guatemala. It was so awesome and super confusing all at the same time. Questions like “was I just thinking about purple flowers or is God leading me?” are very common. However, throughout the past year, I have become slightly more confident in hearing God’s voice. The other day, our entire team did a listening prayer exercise. We were each given a number, and we were told that that number...

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team swazi::: isabella harris

As an enneagram six (google it if you don’t know!), I crave being safe and secure inside my comfort zone. However, I have a big, big God who, out of his love for me, wants me to see and feel much more than the tiny square inch of life that is comfortable to me. Here in Swaziland, God has given me yards upon yards of uncomfortableness. Yesterday, at market ministry, I experienced three particular incidents that were so outside of my comfort zone, yet quickly became some of my favorite memories. Simply put, market ministry consists of us going into the market and loving every...

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team swazi::: TWO blogs from serena michal !!!

Serena Michal’s Blog: Just a Real Quick Update Eswatini has been amazing! I am having such an incredible time. To give y’all an idea of what we have been doing I’m just gonna break it down……. We got in early July 3rd and pretty spent most of the day just resting. The next day we were given a scavenger hunt that allowed us to explore Manzini (where we are staying), we then concluded the night with a Fourth of July party (very fun and very interesting…. Yes, you should ask why) Since then, we have had a pretty concrete...

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Living Water: Peru Update

Here’s a blog about the Peru Team’s time in the jungle! Our time has been sweet, tough, and all of the things in between! Through it all, there was so much growth and so much to praise our sweet Jesus about!    grace: be where your feet are  at training camp, a friend told me to be intentional and be where your feet are. at the time, i appreciated this piece of advice, but i did not realize how important it would be while in peru.  there are only two days left in peru, but i look back and reflect on two weeks where living in the present was vital to...

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Costa Rica Team update

Talked with team leaders last night.  The team is doing well.  Everyone is enjoying ministry and in great spirits.  They will be without access to post blogs until Sunday.  Sunday will also be a communication day.    They said to thank everyone for their prayers. 

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A Day of Hearing, Seeing, and Feeling

One morning, I woke up early, I went down stairs and then I listened.  I listened to the monkeys and their loud chatter. I listened to the crickets and cicadas create harmony with one another. I listened to the tweets and the crows of an assortment of birds, largely unknown. I listened to the pitter-patter of rain as it softly hit the roof and dripped among the trees outside. I listened to every piece of stillness and chaos and it was so beautiful.  However, what I heard was not tangible to the physical ear and no, it was not a still, soft, whisper. What I heard was a deep...

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