I came into this not knowing what to expect. I never truly knew the meaning of reaching out through mission work until a speaker at my training camp explained that missionary work is about God changing the people around you it’s not you changing them, you are the messenger. Humbling isn’t it? After we got to Jamaica I struggled with finding my purpose here and why I felt that God hadn’t used me to make a difference until one day when God opened my heart. We went into the village to talk to the local Jamaicans about God, coming to church and just about them. Coming into it I was awkward and didn’t know what to say but there was this one man maybe in his twenties standing alone. I felt convicted by God to go and talk to him. His name was Jeffery, he had a heart warming smile that completely rid my nervous feelings. Long story short I asked him if he had anything he wanted us to pray about for him, and he said yes, that he felt that he was in a darkness. Right then I knew why I was here. I knew the darkness he spoke of and I knew that only our maker could heal his heart and let light in his life. My friends and I prayed for him, letting God speak through us truly letting His love shine. Gods people are so great!!!! God is even greater!! He has given me a new perspective on people and how open and how truly vulnerable they are. I see joy everywhere and in so many faces, I’m so grateful to Our generous Lord!!!