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blog #3

So this is my last night here in this beautiful place called Jamaica. I didn’t know what to expect of this trip, but wow was it life changing. This country is amazing. God is amazing. The people in my group are amazing. Lord I cannot stress enough how thankful I am that you led me to this trip. I have made so many new friendships that will last a lifetime, lord I am so thankful. Thank you for letting me get to know the people of Jamaica, and thank you for letting them change my life. Thank you for showing me that you don’t need money to be happy, you don’t need to look perfect all the time, and all you need in life is jesus. There is literally nothing else in this world that you need Besides jesus. I know that sounds so cliquey but this trip has really made me realize that it’s true. I care way to much about what people think of me, and most importantly what I think about myself. Now I know that God loves me no matter what I look like, no matter what I do, and he will forgive me no matter what happens. God thinks I’m beautiful and amazing, so what else matters? I know after this trip I will still struggle with what others think of me and what I think about myself because I am human, but everything is so clear now. So thank you lord for showing me all I need to know about life, thank you for letting me change some of the Jamaicans lives, thank you for letting me feel like I did something important. Thank you for letting me feel needed, thank you for everything.
Now all I have to do is keep it up, keep my spiritual high from falling, and keep sharing gods love to everyone, cause everyone deserves how to feel the way I do, which is pure satisfaction and happiness. Thank you lord.

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