
Guatemala Update Part 2: Activation and Healing

Thursday was all around just a huge blessing to us and every single person we interacted with that day. We spent the day in San Lorenzo where we did street ministry as well as stove installation. At one of the first doors we knocked on, there was a young lady named Natalie. Natalie was immobile due to a knee injury which was covered in a brace. We asked her what the pain was on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the worst) and she said nine. We all laid a hand on her leg and began to pray. After our first prayer she said it felt a little bit better, so we continued on and prayed a second prayer. After that, she said her pain went down to a one! Natalie then stood up on her own and walked up and down the stairs outside her house!!!! We all feel so humbled to have witnessed that miracle from our God and we are incredibly grateful for His healing powers. After leaving Natalie’s house, we ran into a little boy named John. John is eight years old and has lung cancer. He brought us back to his house where we met the rest of the family. His mom, Maria, had two other little boys, Junior and Jack, and is pregnant with another! I can say with confidence that John and his family hold a special place in all of our hearts. John has undergone chemotherapy but has now stopped treatment as it is too aggressive on his body. If someone hadn’t told us about his illness, we never would have known. John was full of energy and joy. All he wanted to do was run around, play soccer and climb trees with his older brother, Junior. Playing with all of us girls was a special treat for him because most of the kids in his village refused to play with him in fear that they would get cancer from him. His mom, Maria, cried as she watched us play. She was so worn out and losing hope but the Lord spoke to her through us and she seemed better when we had to leave. Please, please, please pray for that family; they need all the prayers they can get. After John’s house we took a quick lunch break and then went out to install stoves. Our team of 16 girls installed a total of four stoves for four families in the village. These stoves are imperative to the home as they use 75% less wood and don’t let out as much ash/soot. We arrived back at base just in time for dinner and then spent the rest of the night basking in God’s goodness and glory.


(part of installing a stove is cutting a hole in the roof for the pipe to go through)

In our free time we’ve been busy with new friends, Bible studies, hair wraps, card games, painting, and lots of hammocking. The best part is that it is all for the glory of our God. He has blessed us immensely in the few days we’ve been here and I’m excited but also a bit nervous to see how He is going to continue to use us here. Please pray for the people of Guatemala as well as strength and energy for our team. I look forward to updating you again soon!

