
Agape Love

Romania 2019

WOWOWOW. So far, Romania and its phenomenal people and rich culture have not ceased to amaze me. Contrary to popular expectation however, it hasn’t been the earth-shattering majesty of the city’s finest or the riveting rapidity of life that has taken my breath away. Instead, it’s been the deep rooted integrity of the people, the devotion to family and traditions, the discipline, and the raw elegance of Draganesti. It is this same commitment however, that has made it so difficult to reach these people with the gospel of Christ. It breaks my heart to see the very traditions that they are so proud of blind them to the cultishness of orthodoxy as opposed to the freedom of Christianity. Pray that God would continue to chisel away at the hardened hearts that the people might hear, believe, and be set free. As for me, my eyes have been opened to what the heart of God looks like manifested in ministry every single day. Whether it’s through children’s ministry, or learning about missionaries and visiting them, or simply prayer which is so underrated, he’s doing a work to reduce all of his children to a love more powerful than humanly attainable if only we loosen our grip until little by little we let go of our own will completely and fall into his grand, gloriously effective plan. Agape love.

 -Becca Lu

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