My God is Good… But He’s not safe

Over the last couple weeks I’ve been thinking how to sum up the month of July 2016 into words; What did I learn? A lot. What did I experience? A lot. What emotions do I feel being home? A lot.But I can’t sum up a month of spiritual madness in just, “A lot”. So here it is.My God is savior, He is love, He is a good father, but something He isn’t is comfortable. My God is not safe, He is not easy, or “normal”, He is the exact opposite. My God is challenging, uncomfortable, paranormal, and extraordinary x1000. Looking back on my month in Guatemala,...

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Beauty in the Unexpected

Here I sit soaking in the reality of re­entry. Having feelings of separation, loneliness, anduncertainty.  While I begin to process these things for what feels like the hundredth time, if feel asense of peace and joy from the unexpected that occurred during the past month in Guatemala.As I look back on pre­trip preparations I remember reminding myself to go into this newexperience without expectations, being fully open...

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Home (Wherever That May Be)

HOME (WHEREVER THAT MAY BE) July 31, 2016 I’ve made it back to my home country, the good ‘ol USA, and tonight, I’ll be back in the comfort of my house. I can flush my toilet paper again without clogging the toilet. I can brush my teeth with the sink water and sing in the shower without the fear of getting parasites. I can eat any food I want without potentially getting a stomach ache. And, I keep freezing because there’s A/C everywhere, which is something we haven’t had all month.  These things are definitely things that I’ve taken for granted my...

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Inside and Out

Inside and Out On Tuesday night, the team’s last night in Guatemala we were visited by a couple that spoke to us during our time doing ministry in Antigua. We all expected it to be a good talk and a good time based on our previous experience with Gabe and Marielle. But I don’t think anyone expected what was in store for us. We were told right before worship that Gabe was going to be talking about healing. We all were expecting God to move in a cool way, and that made the time of worship really unique. Gabe has this way of speaking that is genuinely Spirit-led. It’s obvious...

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Inside and Out

Inside and Out On Tuesday night, the team’s last night in Guatemala we were visited by a couple that spoke to us during our time doing ministry in Antigua. We all expected it to be a good talk and a good time based on our previous experience with Gabe and Marielle. But I don’t think anyone expected what was in store for us. We were told right before worship that Gabe was going to be talking about healing. We all were expecting God to move in a cool way, and that made the time of worship really unique. Gabe has this way of speaking that is genuinely Spirit-led. It’s obvious...

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Expectations.   The end. The thing we’ve all been dreading from day one, Just like that—we are at the END of our trip. Feeling like just yesterday we were entering the doors for worship at training camp on the 1st day, our time here in Guatemala has quickly came to an end.  Upon acceptance into my trip; I did the thing that we all do, watch the videos, run to the #GoAMB & #AdventuresInMissions hashtags only to see the smiles behind the pictures, and all the fun things you get to do while abroad. Naturally, my excitement aroused. However, what those pictures & videos...

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