
We are His

The months leading up to training camp were a time where I had to completely, intentionally rely on the Lord for peace and comfort, and most of all, I really had to trust in Him. I had to trust the Lord that He would surround me with people that would help me grow, encourage, and accept me. But knowing what I did about Adventures and knowing the Lord, I was sure I would feel right at home.

Thankfully, when I got to Gainesville and finished checking in, I walked to the back porch of the main building where I was so welcomed by so many other participants. The greatest comfort was they were going to be experiencing similar situations the next couple weeks or month and were there to serve the Lord whole heartedly. Just like I thought, it didn’t take long to feel at home.

The first night of worship brought me to tears. The Lord gave me a complete peace and rid me of my fear I have been holding onto. I couldn’t help but cry because I heard Him say, “You’re where you need to be.” Now, what really got me crying was seeing my dad cry. My parents have been a huge part of helping me prepare for this trip. It was then time for them to go and I was on my own, but not alone. I had the Lord and my teammates with me in the same boat.

The next couple of days have been a blessing. During worship, being in a room where every other voice is singing has been incredible. There are people I can hear harmonizing, whispering their own words of prayer, and people just singing. You can actually hear all the talent in the room and the way they’re using their voices to worship the Lord so boldly.

Going through our days here, there is no sign of judgment. You walk around and there are so many different people having separate quiet times, going through different struggles. It is a joy to see everyone on their way to a deeper relationship with God.

Speaking of struggles, our second night we had time to confess things we needed to get off our chest. We were able to open up to each other and let go of our shame. Being a part of a group that can be so open is something I’ve never experienced before, not in this way.

We loved each other before. We love each other now.

This trip will be one that truly blesses us all. I’ve never been so sure of something before and that is this: The Lord has brought each and every one of us here, from all over (comparing where each other is from has been the greatest thing), for a reason and we all have something to offer to our team and in Guatemala.

We are loved. We are chosen. We are His.

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