
Update from the Jungle

I talked to Jason today and he said the team is in good spirits.

The guys were feeling very esteemed in their manhood because the locals brought an alligator they had captured up for them to help kill and clean. It was safe as Jason & Sean were the two that really got their hands dirty. But to say the least it was an experience to be remembered.

The team had a baptism service where many of them were baptized in the Amazon! What a place to confirm your commitment to the Lord! I am sure they will have more to say about that when they can tell you themselves.

They had a great service on Sunday. The Lord led them to have a very non traditional service where everyone used their gifts. Here is just a sampling of what went on…

Songs were signed, some sang solo’s, there was drama and one team member even felt lead to have a foot washing service for the church members. It was a powerful time and it lead into a time of foot washing for the team as well after church had ended. All in all it was a powerful time where God used each ones gifts to minister to the body.

The team also spent a little time with the Real Life team that is in the Jungle. It was good to get a little time to share stories with another group ministering in much the same way and to see how God is being glorified through it all.

They head back to Iquitos soon for debrief, the time is short now. Pray that God would give them energy and vision to finish strong. Pray also that their time of debrief will go well as they process all that God has done and prepare to head home.

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