When I think about the last week with Team Nicaragua, the only word I know to say is ‘thankful’. I’m thankful for the beautiful sons and daughters that God has trusted me to lead and I’m thankful for their hearts for serving the Kingdom. I’m thankful for the incredible co-leader that I love working with and I’m thankful for the amazing contacts that challenge the teams’ walk with the Lord on a daily basis. Everything about the last week has been a beautiful adventure.
Some of the girls from Team Nicaragua exploring the streets of Granada
Since arriving in Nicaragua, our team has been incredibly busy. We are living on a beautiful ranch in the jungle outside of Granada. One half of the ranch is a missionary retreat center, and the other half is a home for five men who are being discipled to better serve the Kingdom. Our contacts Jaime and Monica have invested their entire lives into the people that come into this ranch and they frequently remind us that we are now all a family.
We wake up each morning and arrive at devotional time by 7:30am. We read a passage of Scripture and then spend some time discussing and dissecting what the passage is saying. Our teammate Matthew actually led the devotional time yesterday and many were blessed by his words. Breakfast is served at 8:30am and we frequently have rice and beans even for breakfast! After breakfast, we prepare for work. The past few days we have been going to a friend’s house to help construct an outhouse for her and her family. Some teammates play with the children, some help to cut down branches for fire wood, and others help to construct the outhouse. The team has maintained such a servant’s heart even during the hot weather conditions.
Thank the Lord for selfie sticks when you’re playing with kiddos!
Next week we will be hosting a vacation Bible school for about 50 local children. So we have been planning and making arrangements for that. Please keep us in your prayers for the VBS. Many children will be presented with the Gospel for the very first time.
Thank you for all of your love and support. Continue to pray for the team, the leaders, the contacts, and the hearts that God is touching through this amazing group of young people. We love you all!