
Romans 10:14

hola hermanos y hermanas

(as you can see my spanish is improving!)

The team has had a great few days.  A few days ago we went to play some basketball and met up with… what do you know, some other Americans! We knew they were coming, but they didnt know we were there, and they werer quite suprised. We played some basketball with them and the Peruvians. They played the Peruvians first and then left. And then our team, consisting of Lindsay, Kelly, Ben, Ryan and I payed the Peruvians and claimed victory over them. I am only saying this because if we were ever to play futbol they wouyld completely destroy us. But it was definitely a great time.

Yesterday we had our day off. We ¨slept in¨until about 745, ate some breakfast, and got ready to go to the beach. We went to La Playa del amor. Lindsay was not feeling well, and she ended up leaving early. (But she is doing much better today, which is great because we need everyone this week!) At the beach, which was more like a river, we did some exploring, played with some clay, and walked up and down the river. It was a good time to just hang out and relax. We got back, ate some dinner, and played ninjas for about 2 straight hours.

This morning something funny happened. Normally, the boys get up first and go wake the girls up with a song ( we have ranged from ¨ a whole new world¨ to bohemian rapsody to in the jungle)  This morning however, because Lindsay wasnt feeling well, we didnt do that. Now normally when we get up in the morning the Peruvians we live with are up, and it is very light outside. Today, they were not up, and it was darker out than normal when my alarm went off. But i figured it must have been a day off for them, and it was raining, so i figured that was why it was darker. Sarah and Kelly were supposed to come at 7 this morning, and they were not there when we got up and went downstairs. So they come riding in on a moto at what I think is 8. I go up and ask them why they were so late, and they tell me that they are not. They are on time and it is 7… which is when i found out that my watch had somehow gotten ahead by 1 hour. Which means that I woke everyone up at 530 instead of 630. OOPS! So most of the team went back to sleep for an hour.

Today was spent prepping for this weeks VBS. Lakin, Sarah and I went shopping today for VBS supplies to prepare for as many as 150 kids total! Which would be absolutely insane! As Lindsay said in the last blog, our team will be splitting up and going to two different churches. Our teams separated today to go and check out the locations where we would be having VBS. My half of the team´s location is in walking distance, so we walked. As we walked there we probably accumulated 4 or 5 kids. And on our way back we probably accumulated 10 more or so. It is so funny because we will walk down the streets and the children will come out of nowhere. I love it because that is that much more time that our team can love on the kids, and our team definitely does a great job of doing that. 

I asked each of the team members to write a little something something, so here it is:

Chloe: I got chiggers and I am proud of it. My first exotic thing that has happened to me.

Lindsay: I just had the weirdest craving for candy corn. And apparently Ive built up an immunity to chiggers.

Megan;Has Frank gotten out of the bachelorette yet!?!? And everyone makes fun of me for saying gnarley. >Guess its a Cali thing. PS I love and miss you all. Having a blast

Lakin: Hey momma and dad. 

Ashley: Taylor good luck at diabetes camp! I love you family

Shosh: I miss you all. Especially Evil. Tell monica I love her and that her letters are amazing! tell everyone at church i love and miss them too. See you all in 17 days. PS I eat popcorn with every meal.

Ben: Hi mom and dad, aaron and caleb and sophie. Me and megan rode our jaguars to church today. Its rewally fun. We havnt eaten monkey brains yet though.

Ryan: I havnt slept in 4 days… theyre housing a cannibalk in the room next door named ¨Megan Morris¨ I live in fear and mental agony because of it….just kidding. I love you all

Sophia: I miss you so much mom. I love you too! 

Prayer requests.

Noone on the team slept well last night. Pray for continued rest and that we would sleep welkl through the night.

That the team would focus on their tasks at hand

Continued health and safety of them team.

That the Peruvians would take what we are teaching them and add their own spin on it. That they would catch fire for these childrens programs and have the confidence to start doing their own after we leave.

That Christ would show His love through us, and that anyone who meets us has to say that there is something different about us because of how Christ loves through us.

Thank you all. Will blog in a few days.

For His Glory

Team Peru

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