After a 2ish hour boat ride we arrived in our first village where everyone took part in leading two days of VBS and spent the afternoons visiting people in their homes. In the evenings, everone took part in the night time services held by the local church. We performed the drama we learned during training camp, lead worship songs, preached the word, or delivered testimonies.
Another short boat ride later, we arrived in village number 2. It was much larger than the first and rested where the two Amazon River tributaries merge into the Amazon headwaters. Here the students cleared the rooms of taranculas and other various critters as they began once again to wage war against the horse flys that seemed to enjoy the smell of deet. Again the students lead 2 days of VBS, visted people in their homes, and lead evening church services.
It was amazing to watch all of the students overcome the elements so that they could share the gospel with the villagers. They grew in boldness as they spent time in homes praying with natives and pouring out so much love.
Watching everone take care of each other was beautiful. Our men making sure their sistes were safe from spoders, snakes and the like, while also carrying their bags for them. Meanwhile, the women were making sure their brothers had plenty to eat, plenty to drink, and often helped keep the living quarters clean.
Even now (this post was written while still on the boat back to Nauta), I was able to look around at the students laughing, sleeping, talking, and soaking up their surroundings. They have come a long wway since training camp and still have a few more days left to go a little further! I can´t wait to see what else God has in store!
Student Messages
There is no place on earth where you cant find Coke. – Trey
I am amazed by the beauty of the Amazon! I wish days wouldnt go so fast! PS. Piranha, Its what´s for breakfast. – Lauren
5 days left!? What the heck. I have learned so much about life and myself through this trip! It´s crazy how much Peru has helped me grow! – Dillon
This trip has made me realize that i have the best family ever! Thank you so much for everything, I love you more than words can say. I´ll be home soon! – Hattie
The Amazon is so beatiful! It´s the most amazing place I have ever been in my whole life. God has changed so many things about me. See you all soon! – David
Right now i am on a boat floating down the Amazon River with a group of people i have completely fallen in love with. This adventure has chganged my life. Love you and miss you tons, and ill see you soon. – Kayt
In the past 6 days I´ve pottied in a hole, bathed in the Amazon river, killed a chicken for lunch, ate alligator and Pirahana, pet Ponch (The Monkey), and fallen in love with life all over again. Love & miss yall! – Jamie
I ate Pirhana and Alligator and petted a monkey all in one day. I wore my rubber bands in the Amazon river(You´re welcome mom). Also GOD IS REAL! I miss love and miss you all! 2 Corinthians 5:13 – Louisa
Seen wonderful views + precious children. God works in gracious ways!!! I have some crazy stories to tell! I love you guys like crazy! Be home in a few days. – Emmers
God is rocking my world. Nothing could have prepared me for these life altering experiences. I promise I´m alive and intact. Love you all and be prepared for LOTS of stories! – Brittany
People thought i was hardcore before this trip, but now I eat Pirahana for breakfast, gator for lunch, and have Duck Spirit in the evening. Yep… God´s rocking my world! – Alana
Dear Mom & Dad. I have learned so much but the one thing i have mastered is the art of the duck spirit! Please make sure there is triple ply TP at home. Love you! See you in a week! – Glenalyn
Learning more about God and myself almost by the minute! Can´t wait to see my Fiance (Danielle) when I get home! So many good stories to tell and growth to share! Thank you a TON for the videos! I watch the ones I have already seen over and over again… See you soon! – Rich