When we left Georgia just over a week ago we left with eight teenagers who wanted to change the world which was great but now a week later we have something better. We have a group of eight men and women who constantly look for the Lords direction in everything they do each day. They desire to just go deeper with Him.
There has been a radical change in our team in only a week and it has blown us leaders away. Daily we meet and remark about how we have been so blessed to witness the change in each one of the team members. Thank you parents for trusting us with your precious ones so we could witness the Lords work being done in them and through them.
Today we have moved to Nakuru for the week while here the team will be stretched in new ways. Most if not everyone will be preaching while we are here. They will also have opportunities to share their testamonies, perform dramas, go door to door to meet new people the community. We as leaders know they are ready for the challenge that has been set before them. That being said please continue to pray for our team, that the Lord would continue to give them courage to step into new situations with boldness. Thank you so much for your prayers.
The team misses you and loves you. They also want you to know that they are praying for you.