
First days in San Pedro, Guatemala

We have been in San Pedro, Guatemala for 4 full days now working with Pastor Antonio and the community he works with in San Pablo. On Tuesday we visited his church and he told the testimony of how it was started and built. The team got to meet some of the children who go to the school that is attached to the church and play some games with them. In the afternoon, we got lunch and prayer walked around the city. We stopped on the beach to enjoy the view and pray for God to work in the city.

Wednesday we went back to the school and the team spent time with several of the classes. The team taught Bible lessons, sang songs, and played games with the children. After lunch, we joined Pastor Antonio again. He runs a Christian radio program and the team played music and sang. 

On Thursday we drove to San Marcos, another town on Lake Atitlan. Most of the team hiked up to a church where they shared a VBS program and met some adults, teens, and children of the community. Five of us stayed back and spent time in prayer for everyone on the team and for our time here. After lunch, we had team time, getting to know each other and listen for what God says about us. Then we headed to our first church service of the trip. The team shared two songs, two testimonies, and a Bible story.

Today the team went back to San Pedro and had the opportunity to pray for 5 different people that were sick. At the last stop, the team prayed for a woman named Alicia who ended up feeling a lot of relief from her pain. After lunch, the got some much deserved rest before dinner. We then attended a church service here at the hotel we are staying at. We got to share songs and a testimony.

We have an amazing group of teenagers and we have been so proud to see them be bold in sharing their stories, being vulnerable with one another, being flexible, and jumping into all that has been asked of them. We have had a great first several days and can’t wait to see how God works in and through them throughout the rest of the trip. More detailed stories and pictures will be coming soon!

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