
El Salvador Travel Day/Day 1!

The El Salvador team flew on three different flights, but it was so sweet to meet back together at security when we landed. Here we are in the parking lot, loading our bags to head to the ministry!

After lunch and settling in, we were welcomed by one of our hosts and given some orientation about culture and ministry. 

Then, of course, we all wanted snacks and wanted to explore the city during some down time….so we walked a few blocks to a local grocery store!

Tonight, we were able to enjoy a delicious dinner then relax as we continue settling in after a busy day traveling and adjusting to a new place!

One thing we talked about at training camp, Brittany reflected on as we started to settle in. “I think its amazing to not focus on barriers between our culture, but to find bridges to connect them together.” -Brittany Powers

A few of the girls were able to start building relationships with the students here at the YWAM base. “Although, I don’t know much Spanish, I was able to see the same desire in the YWAM students as I have to be here to learn and serve.” -Leah Brady

“Even when we don’t know the same language, I enjoyed being able to connect with the girls through laughter and broken English.” -Jesselee Armstrong


Continue to be praying for us as we begin ministry tomorrow!

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