Beyond Borders
When I think about missions, one word comes to my mind and that word is love. During these two weeks I have been so strengthened and transformed spiritually. Watching people that have such little material items be so rich in spirit and joy is just amazing. I thought that when I arrived and began my missions work I would teach them but they’ve taught me so many life lessons, it could last me a lifetime. My friends have taught me the lessons of humility, peace, joy, endurance, and the power of your mindset not only by the words they speak but through their lifestyle. The relationships that are built are never ending. Americans are so privileged overall as a people with material items such as phones or even the basic necessities of life such as water, it sometimes distracts us from focusing on what is really important in life. The obtaining of our wants can sometimes distract us from God and His will for us but the second I stepped foot in my missions location I felt the spirit of God saturate the atmosphere. From the widest smiles one could ever see, the constant worship of our Lord and Savior on a daily basis to the various landscapes. Landscapes ranging from rolling mountains to the vast oceans. The experience of God moving and ministering to people through my mouthpiece and witnessing the impact it has on God’s children is life changing. My journey , mindset shift and the growing passion I’ve developed for God from training camp, VBS and community outreach will never be forgotten.
Matthew 28:19-20
“Go ye therefore and make disciples of of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age”.
Thank you to God, all of my supporters and AIM
I am on a mission for God and I am determined to finish the race with flying colors!
-Ngozika Hairston