Dear friends and family’
   Thank you for all of you prayers we can really feel them as we have started our work in Nauta.  We have been in Nauta for a few days now and the students are really starting to fall in love with the people here.  Pastor William and his family have generously opened up their arms to us and and have showered us with their hospitality.
  The students have been very busy running church services, Children´s ministry, street ministry and sports ministry.  Ben, Luke and Stephanie made a baseball field because it has never been introduced to the people here and when we all started playing we had 2 full teams in no time!  The Peruvians loved it!  Mary Beth and Jheri have been so resourceful with their Spanish skills.  We have really come to rely on them for help speaking.  
  All of the students have performed at least one Drama and did excellent.  The Peruvian´s eyes were watching them with awe and I know the Lord was speaking to their hearts.
  John and Katie were able to open up their hearts and share their testimonies with the members of the church.  The people were very receptive and the Lord definately was moving through them.  Ben even delivered the message for the first time and did excellent.  The Lord used him as a vessel to speak to all of us.  
  Tuesday night we are having a big Conference in the center of Nauta and the students are going to be given the opportunity to share more dramas.  Please pray for the Peruvians who get to see it that they are given a clear message of Jesus through the drama.  Also, we leave on July 1 for a four day trip up river to visit Crystal and the real life AIM team.  All of the students are looking forward to that trip up the Amazon!