But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control… Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. (Galatians 5:22,25)
There are numerous stories that I could tell about our time in Haiti. Stories of despair, fragility, restlessness, and sorrow could easily be the anthem of my words, yet the story I am to tell is one of hope, life, thanksgiving, and joy!
Over six months ago, Haiti was…._______________. (You fill in the blank…) It seems that in some context, most of us have been affected by the events of January 12. Vicariously or directly, we have watched events unfold.
Destruction… Devastation… Death…
It would be easy for me to tell stories and show pictures of great tragedy, yet this was not my experience in Haiti. My experience was one that only the Holy Spirit could bring to fruition.
As our team entered the door to Toussaint Louverture International Airport, little did we know that a celebrity was in our midst. As I pushed forward to the security check point, I glanced to my left and realized an entourage was approaching. I really didn’t think much of the situation until the crowd became a part of my personal space… and much to my surprise Wyclef Jean was in my personal space. I couldn’t help but mouth to myself… “that’s Wyclef Jean” as I looked him in eye he acknowledged his presence with a nod and I went on trying to get 17 other luggage loaded USA natives through the security checkpoint. After crossing the security checkpoint, some of our team members had a chance to share a few words with him. I’m not exactly sure what was said but I know that he was appreciative of our work in Haiti and he encouraged our team to comeback to Haiti to have some fun.
At first, when I heard someone retelling this, I thought that’s really interesting that he would ask us to come back to have fun, but then I started to think about our trip in light of this. I started to realize that our team had had fun. Yes… I am very well aware of the many things things that seemed to plague our team, but I think we had a BLAST in the midst of it. We rejoiced with the Haitian people.
In the midst of so much destruction, THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT is ripe in Haiti! Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control flood the streets. It is refreshing to be in the presence of such! So I would just like to share photos of the joy that we shared while in Haiti. May God be glorified with the joyful praise of His people!