
Reflections of Nicaragua

I made it!!! I’m finally back in the states!!! The feelings are bittersweet. I am so excited to see my family, but my heart breaks thinking about my missions family I’ll be leaving behind. These past few weeks have been one wild ride, but I am so thankful for everything that has happened. So many good memories, laughs, tears and experiences. It would be nearly impossible to list it all, but I thought I’d talk about some of my favorites.


There’s nothing like getting your butt kicked by a 5 year old Nicaraguan boy in a game of soccer. One day in particular we had a huge game going when it started to downpour. Lightning was flashing and the rain mixed with the dirt to form a deep mud. By the end of the game we were completely caked with mud head to toe. I loved that day because I felt so free. No one cared if you slipped and fell, or if you had mud in your teeth. All that mattered was that you were there. Everyone was so present and in the moment.


Lynden directly after the game               A few of us after we let the rain clean us off a bit


The cooks at our base, Antonia and Estella. “Mis amigas, mis corazones.” Two of the most precious little old ladies I have ever met.They didn’t speak very much English, but they got a kick out of our attempts to speak to them in Spanish. They were always so happy to talk, and I will always remember our sweet conversations while doing dishes. They made me smile, and I will miss them greatly.


One of my favorite ministry days was when we got to visit a community of homeless men and share the Gospel with them. I’ll have to admit, I was a little nervous at first. Many of the men we talked to had a drug addiction of some sort. But as the time went by, I realized how wrong I was. They might have had some things they were going through, but there was so much love in their community. As one of the girls was talking about how we can find our identity in Christ, one of the men got up and left. Five minutes later he came back with his four of his kids. When it was time to leave some of the men helped us get onto the truck. These men that I thought were scary and loveless, were actually the total opposite. It was such a neat experience and it really helped shape me.


One of the times that caused more tears was our first Saturday at the base. There was a lot of spiritual warfare and that night it became very physical. Spiritual oppression has always been something I have been fearful of, but that night I learned that I am capable to do anything with God by my side. Those burdening fears were broken that night, and now I walk confidently in Jesus’ name.


These past few weeks have been crazy amazing. The laughs, tears and experiences- they were all used to shape me more into what God wants. Coming back to the states is a new Sydney. The new Sydney is confident and bold. I know that I am loved by my Creator and I can do all things through Jesus. Thank you everyone for your prayers on behalf of my team and I!!!


With Much Love, Sydney

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