By Kayleigh Goodsell – Guatemala 2 Week 2nd Launch
God is so so good!!!!! If I didn’t know this before I sure know it now. We are now over halfway through the trip and it is SO hard just thinking about leaving this beautiful country and my amazing tribe (if you don’t know that’s what we’ve called our team from the beginning of the trip). Our trip has had so many amazing moments happy, sad, beautiful, moving and heartbreaking, it really feels like we’re a family! On July 4th we woke up and most of us forgot that it was independence day (being in a foreign country will do that to you) We began the ministry day like all the others with delicious breakfast at Pastor Antonio’s father in law’s home, and after breakfast we went out on the pick-up trucks to the Pastor’s church/school. We got to the school expecting to do VBS with the school kids there, but as we have well learned plans change. They asked us if anyone from our group wanted to help with the kids gymnastics (a bit of a misunderstanding as to them that meant dance.) Jordan, Brooke, Emma, and I stayed to help, while the rest of the team went around the area with the pastor to do home visits. We eventually discovered that the kids would soon be in a dance competition that they wanted to win. They wanted us to help choreograph a dance for the kids to do (I think our idea of dance choreography was a bit different than theirs). Eventually we just ended up playing duck duck goose (pato pato ganzo in spanish) and red light green light with the kids in the school’s courtyard, the kids were so amazing, they were so happy to do anything and everything!!! One of the kids literally just wanted to be spun and held by me (she was so cute!!!!) After lunch we had a very special opportunity, we got to go to the Pastor’s radio program that he does and sing songs on the radio. It was an amazing experience and I felt very overwhelmed by God’s presence and grace over us. After dinner at the Pastor’s father in law’s house we went back to the hotel and were able to share our testimonies with small groups, it was so amazing to hear how God had moved in my teammates lives, and helping each other to see God’s place in EVERYTHING that happens. A specific bible verse has been on my heart these last nine days and it’s my mom’s favorite “Do whatever he tells you” John 2:5 That verse has been with me this whole trip but I didn’t really understand what this meant or why it was so much on my heart, but over this week I’ve realized that this is God’s call for all of us, to do whatever he asks. Being flexible over everything that we’ve done this week truly helps to fulfill this command of God. These last 9 days have truly been amazing and I CAN’T WAIT to see what happens in these next 5 days!!!! God bless!