God is so faithful. We ask and He gives and shows. The Ambassador team of teens and their two leaders that spent the month of July in Swaziland asked and God showed up in a BIG way! Here is how one participant told the story.
“I saw God do an incredible healing. A five year old girl had been hit by a car at preschool when someone pushed her into the road. The first day at the hospital the girl wasn’t talking and couldn’t walk. The next day she was counting to 10, waling around, and eating candy. The next week when members of our team went back they found out she was going to be sent home in the next few days. The POWER of prayer!”
Can I get an amen thank you Jesus!? This same participant heard the Lord in such a real way.
“This month, I heard God say, I must die to myself in all aspects of my life and then God will do crazy things with my life for His Kingdom!”
What a challenge that is. Are we willing to die to ourselves and deny our flesh for the sole purpose of extending the Kingdom of God? If you feel like the Lord is calling you to Swaziland click here if you are an adult and click here of you are a teenager.