
Glimpse’s Into The Guatemala Team’s First Few Days


Here is a glimpse into what a few of the members of the GUAT team have experienced since training camp and the first days in Guatemala. 


Today I had the most energy out of any day of the week – and I am running on an hour and a half of sleep. I have seen God work some stunning miracles since the day we got to training camp and even within the first hour of arriving at the airport. I had the chance along with Audrey, Dani, Lexy, and Ryan to pray for 2 airport employees named Keesha and Courtney. I’m blown away by how fast God has given us opportunities to minister, I’m so blessed and proud to be a part of this team. GOD BLESS!



My experience with the Guatemala team has been amazing! Whether it was doing our “team-building exercises”, engaging in fellowship through meals, or just simply goofing off, this team has had an impact on my life. And it’s only been 3 days!



Since day one I have felt the Lord touch me in ways I didn’t know I was preventing Him from doing before. He has truly laid his hand on my heart. At training camp, everyone was so genuine and happy when they praised. This week I have been studying the story of Paul and it gives me hope, because God used Paul who was so broken and made him into his master piece.  Adventures in Missions is a place where I felt I could go home right then and be ten times stronger in my faith, but God’s plan for me didn’t stop there. When we began our venture in the airport God’s works had already started. As I arrived here in Guatemala, everyone was in fellowship with each other. It also is beautiful, not to mention the actual views of the volcanoes, the people, mountains, and lake Atitlan. We all kept mentioning “what a cool God we serve!” As I sit here invited into someone’s home for dinner, I hope that God gives me the ability to be so giving and loving like the people here in Guatemala! God has already begun his unfathomable, faithful works in me and my team.

-Lexy (Alexa)  

Team at Training Camp attempting to complete Spider Web Team Builder



View of the village of San Pedro where the team is staying, La Laguna Atitlan the lake the city sits by, and the dormant volcano behind the city

Pictures of the team at Pastor Antonios family’s home for breakfast


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