

        A month or so before coming to Nepal, I felt the Lord speak a song on my heart. It was light, airy, and full of joy. For me, it just spoke so much truth and encouragement about my upcoming trip half way around the world. When I finished the lyrics, I was kind of confused with the Lord, asking why he had given me a song called “Dusty” when I was going to a mountainous country that was pictured with rain and clean air. However, I now know that the name could not have fit more perfectly.

        Immediately leaving the airport, we were covered in dust. Walking the streets of Nepal, you see trash, cows in the road, but overall a rising and settling of dust. Dust in the streets, in the slums, it even seems to come off the buildings. I was so relieved that the song Jesus and I had written was so relatable to Nepal. It was such a good reminder that even when it seems like we are in a cloud of dust, he has our best interest in mind and knows how best to nurture the depths of our hearts.

   The inspiration I used was from an old saying in Jesus day. In that time boys starting at the age of 6 or 7 years old would have to memorize the first 5 books of the old testament; the Torah. It was a rigorous process and many did not make it and had to return to their family trade. The ones that excelled would move onto the next level of education, which just entailed more memorization and tedious learning. By the age of 12 or 13, the best of the best would go to a Rabbi, or teacher to learn his yoke; this was all the Rabbi’s teachings. A student would then go to the Rabbi, asking to become a disciple. They would be quizzed about the teachings and the books in the bible. If the Rabbi took on the student, he was basically saying, “I see in you the same potential I had, I think you can do what I can do.” Then the student would pick up and follow the Rabbi everywhere he went. Leaving his family and comfort in order to learn more and become more like the Rabbi. This saying developed around that time that was given as a compliment to the followers or disciples. People would say, “You are so covered in the dust of your Rabbi”. In other words, you are following so closely to your teacher, that as he walks, the dust from his sandals covers you. As fellow believers in the faith, I think that is our ultimate goal.

   As we know, Jesus got most of his disciples from the world. Matthew was a tax collector and Peter was a fisherman; both commoners just like us. When Jesus went to the shore and called Peter by name, “Come and follow me”, he was saying that he saw that potential to a greater purpose, despite him not going through that rigorous learning. Jesus does the same to us. We come with flaws and failures, unequipped and unknowing, but he calls out of us the potential to do what he did. To serve the least of these, talk to the Pharisees, and spread the love of Jesus Christ.    


God doesn’t call the equipped, he equips the called. We are all called to share Jesus Christ and his love, so go get dusty.



2x So get me dusty, ’cause you’ve set me free

I want to chase the sandals, on your feet


You can take me to the oceans, to the deep deep seas

Take me to the jungles, with the birds and bees

Take me to the houses, of love and peace

God take me to the Orphans, the Widows, and the Weak


2x So get me dusty, ’cause you’ve set me free

I want to be just like you, serving the least of these


So you can take me to the mountains, high up in the trees

Take me to the rivers, flowing in mystery

Take me to the dirt floor shacks, with dusty feet

God take me to the places, your love attacks


2x So get me dusty, ’cause you’ve set me free

Now good and faithful, bring them home to me


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