We finally made it Peru!! We arrived yesterday in Iquitos around 1230pm. The students were very tired after the long night of travel, but once we got on the bus to get to Nauta (which took about an hour and a half), their excitment could not be contained! Travis and I had a conversation with Crystal (our ministry contact)and this week we are doing house visits and childrens programs, and next thursday we are going down the river and ministering to 3 different villages!! I asked each of them what their favorite thing on the trip so far is and this is what they said… Rachel– “My favorite part was playing games with the team in the airport, and finally getting here!” Sierra P– “I like getting to know all the people that live and work at our ministry site!” Patty–“I love the culture and the cashew trees” Adam–“I like talking with the team and learning to speak Spanish.” Baileigh–“I love playing soccer with the kids and just being with them!” Sierra K–“I love spending time with the kids and my Mosquito net! I really love trying to speak spanish.”