It was a hot Thursday night in Matamoros, Mexico. The sun was setting and the mosquitoes were swarming. The team was forming constellations with bites on their legs and arms. A family of spiders parade around the room mocking them. Shniece leaps out of her bed and hammers them with a pink flip-flop. The smell of melting skin from Jocelyn’s sunburn reeks throughout the room. Alex angrily wakes up to the sound of Sally chomping an apple. Alex ferociously reaches for her stash of sour patch kids, takes a dose, reinserts her pink earplugs and growls back to sleep. Again, Shniece hops out of the bed, throws her blanket on the ground because she heard the sound of fluttering cockroach wings. Sally takes the opportunity of being awake to grab Shniece and head to the freezer for more food. Before you know it, the alarm clock is beeping and Ana is dancing around singing, “I wanna sit at your feet…” trying to wake the sleeping beauties from their slumber. The girls march into breakfast fifteen minutes late to a waiting Miles with a sweet new mullet, a frowning chef (Gilbert) and cold breakfast. As Aaron swings back and forth from his trapeze the girls say the Lord’s Prayer and chow down.
As you can see, everything’s going great here. We had a lot of fun writing this together and really great day. This morning we went to the colonia that we’ve been at all week and presented a few families with roofing tiles. It blessed us to be able to give to them and pray for them.
Afterwards, we got to go to visit with our friend from last week, Martha. We brought flowers for her and hung out with her family for a little bit. We colored, painted nails, played with bubbles, caught ants, chased chickens and shared lunch. It was a really blessed time. The picture below is all of us with her and her grandkids.
Please continue praying for our ministry here and continued strength, health and growth.