Aw man, Leah beat me to a new post! She’s the organized one, so go figure 😉
Can it really be that we’ve been back over a week already?!? I’ve been in recovery mode ever since I had to bid farewell to you who are carrying part of my heart with you, whether you know it or not. I’m just starting to emerge! There’s been so much to process.
Since I’m not sure who to write this post to, I’m going to take a cue from Leah:
Parents – Thank you for sharing your son or daughter with us. I have come home in awe of the incredible group of high schoolers we were blessed to work with. They have stretched me in my faith, and I pray they will stretch you as well. Thank you for raising them up in this Christian faith and for encouraging them in their relationship with God.
Friends, family, and other supporters of our team – Thank you for your prayers, your encouragement, and your support! I cannot tell you what this means to us as leaders or to me personally. Thanks to ALL of you for encouraging the relationships with God that we are continuing to build and grow in. Thank you for showing interest in our lives and for letting us share with you at least a piece of what we saw, learned, and experienced on this trip.
And now, the team: Oh friends, I miss you all so much! I didn’t know how much God was using you to encourage my relationship with Him. I can’t wait to hear what God has begun carrying you through in your days home, whether joy or struggle or both. You have blessed me beyond words. I love you all, and I’m praying for you all the time.
I – and we all – want and need to share stories – stories of what God did, what God taught us, how God provided, and who we met along the way. Team, the stories we share are reminders for us in the weeks to come. The whole book of Deuteronomy calls God’s people to remember. Remember what God did, remember who you are, remember God’s faithfulness. Let’s do the same, shall we? 🙂 Can’t wait to read what you all post!