
4 Days into Ministry!

We are four days into ministry and having a blast! Yesterday was the first day of our kids program, and it was wonderful! From all the boys hanging on Adam to Robin teaching on the armor of God, it was a sight to behold. Thursday was Rachels birthday and she got to experience a real Peruvian birthday by having a raw egg cracked on her head, and we also had a delicious cake. This morning we were led to go visit a woman named Pati. She said she is very unhappy because she is treated poorly in her home by her childs father. She wants to move, but she cant until her son is finished with school. We sat and talked with her and got to know her. We began to encourage her and pray with her and her face lit up. Sierra K. shared some scriptures from the book of Job with her, and everyone else each prayed their own prayer and had it translated. By the end of our visit she was smiling and crying at the same time and she was full of hope and peace and love once again. Tonight we are visiting a neighboring church and looking forward to sharing with them what God has placed inside each of us. P.S. Sorry for the grammer and punctuation errors, this spanish keyboard is quite challenging. 😉 P.P.S. We cant upload pictures on this computer but we will put some up as soon as we can.

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