Vacation Bible study in San Pedro
“It was a new experience for us today with Vacation Bible School. We built relationships with people who don’t speak our language. We sang songs about Jesus. My favorite part: I loved getting to use what little Spanish I had to connect with the kids.” -Karah
“There was something special about the kids today. I met a little boy name Lou. At first, he came up to Alyssa and me just smiling. Then later he came back to ask for help to color his picture. Then somehow, he became attached to us. It was great to have someone who I met just 5 minutes ago attach himself to us so quickly.” -TJ
“My favorite part was talking to the kids even though I don’t know Spanish at all. I was able to follow along even if I didn’t understand their words. I also loved coloring with the students.” -Caroline
“I liked how both groups–the kids group and the missions group–were intrigued by each other. The kids were interested in getting to know us and invest in us, then they would also simplify their words to help us understand what they wanted or interested in.” -Maya
“Whenever I brought out the soccer ball, they were so excited and jumping around. They started chasing after me. I felt so happy that they were excited to see us and that we were there to play with them.” -Brylee
Later on, we had the opportunity to share on the local radio station that broadcasts around the lake.
“It was a unique experience because many students were able to share their testimonies or Bible verses over the radio. At the end of the broadcast, a few of us were able to stay in the sound booth with Pastor Antonio and listen to him preach in a local dialect. It was so much fun and we had the opportunity to share with the community.” -Lauren
Today it was incredible to meet the kids of a local village and serve at the radio station. It was a great first day of VBS and it went really well. We also enjoyed exploring the town and seeing the culture around us. We loved the opportunity to share our testimonies with the locals through the radio station.