
The Market

                Our first adventurous day in the Philippines was definitely a memorable one, and appealed to all the 5 senses. Our plan for the day was to take a jeepney (the Philippines main mode of public transportation) to the market to get some food. Little did I know that this simple outing would be such an eye opening experience. First, we got in the colorful, already crowded Jeepney. We rode through the mountain roads avoiding dogs and pot holes the best we could. Every few miles there were little street vendors all lining the road selling the same things. We arrived at this very chaotic market at what seemed to be peak time, I feel like everyone in the Philippines was there. Our team headed over to the raw meat stand to get some chicken and fish. I was frightened by the sight of raw meat hanging everywhere, and people chopping up meat with knives.  The breeze I once thought was lovely was now blowing the smell up my nose, it was a rough few minutes having to stand there and wait for the meat to be purchased. Thankfully everyone made it out of there in one piece. The market itself was really fascinating; people come to sell everything there from vegetables and fruit, to cell phones and magazines. It was a tad overwhelming at times with all the smells, colors and noises surrounding us but I really did enjoy the experience. Personally, my favorite part was getting to be in the culture, seeing all the vendors, the kids running around, and the cars flying with their horns honking.

Overall, our first outing as a team in the Philippines was full of surprises, stress, and smiles.

By: Abby Vanada

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