
Seeing Christ Everywhere

As we come to a close in our time in Ecuador, I am in awe of the ways I have seen Christ in many of the people here. The Ecuadorians we met are warm and greet one another with a handshake and a kiss on the cheek. They are inclusive and truly treat each other as brothers and sisters in Christ.

Before coming to Ecuador, someone sent me a quote saying,

Look for Christ and you will find Him. And with Him, everything else. – CS Lewis


I have seen Christ in their actions.

One day last week, our team had the opportunity to go to a three-hour prayer meeting where the church members broke off into small groups over and over to pray for each request projected on the front wall. This church took prayer to a whole new level, and it was a blessing to see and take part in.


I have seen Christ in the way they passionately worship.

Even without fully understanding their words, I have felt the Holy Spirit fill the room. I have seen their hearts abandoned as they sing and lift their arms to their Father. I realized that in heaven we will worship God with one voice. We will all understand one another and there will no longer be culture or language barriers.


I have seen Christ in the way they include and love total strangers.

One night, we were invited into the homes of people in the church for small groups. There, we worshipped, shared a message and our testimonies, and played “headbands” alongside them. So many of the kids and young adults tried to communicate and welcome us the best way they knew how.


I have seen Christ not only in believers, but in the hunger for Christ in those we’ve had the privilege of coming in contact with. 

I saw a hunger for hope in the tear-filled eyes of those we prayed for in the hospital waiting room. Praying in English, these people didn’t even know what we were saying, but still they felt Christ and they saw Him, too.

I have seen this same hunger for Christ in the children and women who live right across from the dump – a dump they used to live in, but recently were kicked out of. (The dump is where the men of the families used to make their living, and now they continue to attempt to retrieve trash so they can re-sell it). It is a devastating place, but God is clearly bringing beauty out of ashes. I see Christ in the way the children are excited to sing about God, and the looks on the faces of the mothers when their babies receive a meal. (The ministry we worked with tales dinner to these families three times a week).


Here in Ecuador, it is safe to say Christ is on the move. 


In the church we visited, in the people we met – He is here. He is here among the believers and He is here among those who aren’t. He is here among the hurting and He is here among those thirsty for hope. He is here all around us just waiting to be seen, noticed, and loved. And God is here to love and heal each and every person through Jesus.


Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. – Matthew 5:3,6


– Caylee Collins

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