
Half-way Through

Well yall. It’s been two weeks today, and we’ve got two more to go. God’s love has already immeasurably surrounded us. We have met many incredible people and have made outstanding relationships. The laughter of the team has filled the hallways of our team house and with all these experiences, the enemy is still bound to throw hardships and doubts our way.


            Coming onto this trip many of us were expecting big things. And the Lord has shown us huge things, but in different way than we could have imagined. Every time we arrived at the carepoint, we always were wondering if this was the day that something huge would be revealed. But the Lord has showed us that we need to live in this moment, stop worrying about what could happen. We have begun to pray for patience and peace during this time.


Psalm 37:7

Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his, over the man who carries out evil devices!


The devil recently has put thoughts in our head questioning the reasoning of us coming on this trip. “Was it a mistake for me to come on this trip?” “Am I even impacting anything/anyone?” Through these thoughts the Lord has revealed Himself within these kids, our team, and one-on-one time with Him. The Lord has showed us that nothing that God does is by mistake, He has a perfect plan.


Matthew 8:26

And He said to them, “Why are you afraid, oh you of little faith?” Then He rose rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm.


            We both had been struggling with this the first four days of ministry, but was keeping it to ourselves wondering why God had “not shown up.” Finally, while we were willingly sharing our twin bed, we broke down and shared what we had been going through. We instantly knew that we were struggling with similar struggles. It’s crazy how God can put certain people in our lives to encourage and invest in us.

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